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International Journal of Finance, Economics and Business (IJFEB) is a double-blind peer-reviewed scientific journal. IJFEB applies theory developed from finance, economics, and business study to actual circumstances. IJFEB aims to publish papers covering theoretical and empirical investigation across all finance, economics and business studies disciplines, including financial markets, financial instruments, corporate finance, public finance management, banking systems, financial regulation and policy. Economics focusing on applied microeconomics, behavioral and experimental economics, decision theory, development economics, econometrics, economic history, Islamic economics, economics of education, economics of technology, environmental, resource, and energy economics, financial economic, game theory, health economics, industrial organization, international trade, labor economics, macroeconomics, market design, microeconomic theory, monetary economics, political economy, public economics.

  • Editor in Chief: Assoc. Professor Dr. Muhammad Ikhsan Setiawan
  • ISSN (online): 2948-3883
  • Frequency: Quarterly
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Call for Papper


International Journal of Finance, Economics and Business (IJFEB) is a double-blind peer-reviewed scientific journal published 4 (four) times a year, i.e., March, June, September and December. IJFEB has an inclusive ethos and is open to a wide range of methodological approaches and philosophical underpinnings and published for executives, researchers, and scholars, focusing on applying empirical investigation to practical circumstances and theoretical findings to business world reality. 

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