The Effect of Hedonic and Utilitarian Values on Online Impulse Buying: Mediating Role of Browsing
browsing, e-commerce, hedonic value, impulse buying, utilitarian valueAbstract
This study analyzes the effect of hedonic and utilitarian values on online impulse buying in Bengkulu Province, Indonesia. This study used a quantitative method, and online questionnaires collected primary data. The participants of this study consisted of 201 individuals and were dominated by middle-income people who used e-commerce platforms like Shopee and Tokopedia. Data were analyzed by using SEM-AMOS to explore the relationship between variables. This study confirms that hedonic value has a significantly positive effect on impulse buying while utilitarian value has a significantly negative effect on impulse buying. Additionally, hedonic value has a significantly positive effect on browsing, and utilitarian value does not affect browsing. Moreover, browsing has a significantly positive effect on impulse buying. After testing the mediates effect, this study finds that hedonic value positively affects impulse buying through browsing. Meanwhile, utilitarian value does not affect impulse buying through browsing.
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