The Effect of Trust, Perceived Risk and E-Service Quality on the Intention to Purchase of E-Commerce Consumers in Indonesia


  • Muhartini Salim Department of Management, Faculty of Economic and Business, University of Bengkulu, Muara Bangka Hulu, Sumatera, 38371 Bengkulu, Indonesia
  • Rina Suthia Hayu Department of Management, Faculty of Economic and Business, University of Bengkulu, Muara Bangka Hulu, Sumatera, 38371 Bengkulu, Indonesia
  • Dwinda Agustintia Department of Management, Faculty of Economic and Business, University of Bengkulu, Muara Bangka Hulu, Sumatera, 38371 Bengkulu, Indonesia
  • Rahmita Annisa Department of Management, Faculty of Economic and Business, University of Bengkulu, Muara Bangka Hulu, Sumatera, 38371 Bengkulu, Indonesia
  • M. Yasser Iqbal Daulay Department of Management, Faculty of Economic and Business, University of Bengkulu, Muara Bangka Hulu, Sumatera, 38371 Bengkulu, Indonesia



trust, perceived risk, e-service quality, purchase intention


This study investigates empirically the effect of trust, perceived risk and e-service quality on the intention to purchase of online shop's customers in Indonesia. This research is a type of descriptive research with a quantitative approach. The type of data used is primary data obtained through the distribution of questionnaires. Respondents of this study were online consumers in Indonesia which were taken by accidental sampling technique as many as 333 peoples. The data analysis method used descriptive analysis and partial least square (PLS) analysis. Based on field research, the results obtained are: (1) Trust has a positive and significant effect on intention to purchase of online shop consumer; (2) Perceived risk has a positive and significant effect on intention to purchase of online shop consumers; and (3) E-service quality has a positive and significant effect on the intention to purchase of online shop consumers. The implications of the research are the importance of trust aspects, risk perception and quality of electronic services to online transactions. It is expected that e-commerce vendors can provide a comprehensive guarantee that sellers who join their vendors can be trusted, transactions made safe and comfortable and services provided quality.


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How to Cite

Salim, M., Hayu, R. S., Agustintia, D., Annisa, R., & Daulay, M. Y. I. (2023). The Effect of Trust, Perceived Risk and E-Service Quality on the Intention to Purchase of E-Commerce Consumers in Indonesia. Journal of Madani Society, 2(1), 53–66.



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