Effects of Leadership Style and Knowledge Sharing on Employee Performance of the Ministry of Transportation in North Sumatra Province, Indonesia
Leadership style, knowledge sharing, government employees, employee performanceAbstract
Today, the performance of government employees in carrying out their duties and obligations is a critical element in determining the realization of good governance. Improving public services is closely related to the internal culture of local government organizations and the work ethic. In the government, bureaucracy still needs to be improved to achieve optimal performance. This study determines the effects of leadership style and knowledge sharing on the performance of employees of the Ministry of Transportation for North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. This quantitative study uses a survey questionnaire to 354 civil servants from the Ministry of Transportation for North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. The result indicates that the leadership style affects employee performance. also, knowledge sharing affected employee performance. The key to the success of an organization in achieving the desired goals is that the organization can manage its human resources properly. The Ministry of Transportation highly desires this condition for North Sumatra Province as a government institution that serves the community.
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