Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): November 2023
Is Migration the New Development Mantra? An Examination of the Migration-Development Nexus
Ibrahim BiduAbstract : 187PDF : 183222-234 -
Maintaining Sustainable Development through Gender Equality in Village Savings and Loans Associations Partners of FVS-Amie des Enfants in Makamba, Burundi
Spes Nihangaza, Emmanuel KwizeraAbstract : 108PDF : 79235-239 -
The Effect of Education, Workforce, Economic Growth and Labor Force Participation Rate on City Labor Absorption in Aceh Province, Indonesia
Desi Mulyani, Sartiyah Sartiyah, Srinita SrinitaAbstract : 339PDF : 209240-246 -
A Study on the Effectiveness of Grammar Intervention PBL in Secondary School English Reading in China
Xu Ke, Puteri Roslina Abdul Wahid, Gao TingtingAbstract : 248PDF : 199247-255 -
Strategy for Improving the Performance of Culinary SME Actors in Langsa City, Indonesia
Fatma Fatma, Iskandarini Iskandarini, Arlina Nurbaity LubisAbstract : 152PDF : 181256-275 -
Traditional Institutions and Economic Transformation of West Aceh Coastal Community in Indonesia: A Sustainable Energy Policy
Nellis Mardhiah, Zikri Muhammad, Jumadil SaputraAbstract : 178PDF : 138276-291 -
Does Our Entrepreneurship Practicum Work? Evidence from Hybrid and Offline Students
Suhermin Suhermin, Okto Aditya SuryawirawanAbstract : 101PDF : 113292-299