A Study of Leadership Innovation in Stunting Prevention and Handling in Simeulue, Aceh Province, Indonesia
leadership, innovation, stunting and handling, Simeuleu regency, Aceh provinceAbstract
Aceh Province is one of the provinces in Indonesia with a high prevalence of stunting. Simeuleue Regency is ranked as the 2nd (two) highest out of 23 regencies/cities in Aceh Province and is assigned to the yellow zone. Simeulue Regency is designated as one of the national stunting locations of 360 regencies/cities in Indonesia. Commitment from the local government is needed to ensure the success of Indonesia being free from stunting. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the leadership innovations of the Simeulue local government in stunting prevention and identify factors that influence both internally and externally. The research method uses a qualitative approach through observation, interviews and relevant literature studies. The result of this research is that the regional leadership acts as a policy maker, coordinating and communicating with various related parties, implementing empowerment, monitoring, and evaluation. The innovations carried out by the Simeulue local government are the formation of a Stunting Management Team involving multi-sectors, the formation of village cadres, Stunting Consultations, and KPM Guidance. Factors that influence internally: personal awareness of the duties and responsibilities of leaders, strong commitment, clear division of tasks, good communication between actors. External factors: There is a shared commitment from various sectors as well as the support from the central government, and positive reception.
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