Analysis of Government Policy in Reducing Stunting Rate at Aceh Jaya, Indonesia


  • Ambia Nurdin Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Abulyatama, Indonesia
  • Zikri Muhammad Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Development, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia


government policy, nutritional issue, stunting, Aceh Jaya


Today, the issue of nutrition has become the primary challenge faced by many countries due to the increase in individuals experiencing malnutrition (undernourished) in the past three years, including Indonesia. In Indonesia, one district, namely Aceh Jaya, has a high stunting percentage of 35.7 percent. The importance of political commitment and policies that support stunting alleviation underlies this research. The general objective of the current study is to analyse government policies' suitability for stunting reduction and prevention in Aceh Jaya District. The research uses a qualitative descriptive method through content analysis of information contained in national and regional policy documents related to stunting reduction and prevention efforts. Quantitative analysis was conducted to determine the relationship between program coverage and stunting prevalence in Aceh Jaya District. Aceh Jaya District's policies follow national policies; however, several improvements are needed, including a) determination of strategic issues, policy directions, and strategies in development planning; b) setting program targets, and c) implementation of several sensitive and specific nutrition interventions that have not yet been implemented. This study concludes that the government's commitment to stunting reduction efforts has increased after declaring its participation in The SUN Movement. Stunting policy shows the coherence between policies to increase access to cross-sectoral coordination as indicated by efforts to deal with stunting. Acceleration of stunting reduction to converge programs consisting of specific and sensitive nutrition interventions. Aceh Jaya Regency's commitment to reducing stunting has increased and it already has programs and activities related to sensitive and specific nutrition interventions. It has formed a stunting consultation task force.


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How to Cite

Nurdin, A., & Muhammad, Z. (2022). Analysis of Government Policy in Reducing Stunting Rate at Aceh Jaya, Indonesia. International Journal of Advances in Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(4), 187–196.

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