The Effect of Organizational Culture and Authentic Leadership on Affective Commitment through Job Satisfaction
Organizational Culture, Authentic Leadership, Affective Commitment, Job SatisfactionAbstract
Human resources are very important for an organization to achieve any goal. With good HR management, the achievement of organizational goals can be influenced. Skilled human resources are very valuable and cannot be replaced by natural resources, additional capital, or new technology. Therefore, the importance of human resources, both as managers and employees, is in planning, implementing and supervising the organization. Thus, the current study seeks to examine the effect of organizational culture and authentic leadership on job satisfaction and affective commitment of employees of the North Penajam Paser Regency KUKMPERINDAG Service. All 96 employees were participated in this study and collected using simple random sampling technique. The data analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling – Partial Least Square assisted by SmartPLS-3. The result indicates that organizational culture and authentic leadership have significant positive relationship with job satisfaction. Also, this study found that organizational culture and satisfaction work have significant positive relationship with affective commitment. Besides that, this study indicates that authentic leadership does not significant relationship with affective commitment. In addition, this study found that job satisfaction mediates the relationship between authentic leadership and affective commitment. This study concludes that organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction. This means that the better the implementation of organizational culture, the more it will be able to encourage employee job satisfaction. Organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on employee affective commitment, this can mean that improving organizational culture is able to encourage employee affective commitment. Authentic leadership has a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction. This means that authentic leadership can encourage employee job satisfaction.
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