Handling the Children's Sexual Violence: Women's Leadership Perspective
leadership, women, perspective, child sexual violenceAbstract
There are still many cases of child sexual violence in Indonesia, showing the government's dissonance in protecting children. Regional heads, especially women's regional heads, are essential in child protection policies. In each vision, the head of the women's region prioritizes development based on gender mainstreaming. Unfortunately, there are still many cases of sexual violence in children in areas headed by female regional heads. The study focused on the perspective of women's leadership in tackling child sexual violence. This study aims to determine how policies deal with sexual violence in children from women's leadership. Through qualitative research methods combined with the perspective of feminism and gender mainstreaming as an analytical knife. Data collection techniques through data meta-synthesis. Data analysis uses a qualitative descriptive approach, then spelt out as a narrative that begins with data collection, filtering, presentation, and conclusion withdrawal. The results showed that female regional heads were not a guarantee to control the problem of sexual violence in children. The failure to achieve the vision of the head of the female region in its implementation faced many obstacles, one of which was the social stigma attached to local women who were considered weak so that they could not protect their children. This research suggests the need for the commitment and capability of female leaders to protect children and women.
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