If I don’t share my unforgettable journey, I'll lose it! Young travellers’ propensity to share e-WOM on social media
need for uniqueness, self-actualization, travel experience, reflected appraisal of self, electronic word of mouth (e-WOM)Abstract
This study investigates what makes young people want to share photos, videos, and live streams of their travels on social media sites, such as Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. In this study, the propensity of young travellers to share their travel experiences on social media is influenced by four factors: a need for uniqueness; self-actualization; travel experience; and a reflected appraisal of self. These four factors are considered significant predictors of the propensity to share on social media. This study uses a quantitative approach through a questionnaire and online surveys (Google Forms). The research population comprises young travellers between 16 and 25 who enjoy posting about their travels on social media. The study included 150 people, 146 of whom qualified for further examination. The data were analysed using multiple regression analysis. The results indicated that the need for uniqueness, self-actualization, travel experience, and reflected appraisal of self all positively and significantly impact the propensity to share travel experiences on social media. The implications of this study include both practical and empirical contributions. In practice, a good understanding of the behaviour of young tourists will enable destination managers to increase their involvement in electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM). This study adds to what we know about what makes young consumers share their e-WOM experiences.
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