Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): August 2022
Halal Tourism: Development, Challenges and Opportunities
Slamet Widodo, Syafrizal Helmi Situmorang, Arlina Nurbaity Lubis, Prihatin LumbanrajaAbstract : 962PDF : 55850-58 -
The Effect of Human Resources Competence, Incentives and Leadership on the Performance of Administrative Staff
Ayu Zurlaini DamanikAbstract : 126PDF : 21259-69 -
The Effect of Social Media Instagram, Customer Experiences and Electronic Word of Mouth toward Tourist Visiting Decision at Alam Datuk Beach, Kuala Tanjung, Indonesia
Ari Syahputra, Fatimah Indriani, Didik Gunawan, Mangasi Sinurat, Rico Nur Ilham, Rapat Piter Sony Hutauruk, Rika Surianto ZalukhuAbstract : 1578PDF : 122970-78 -
Mediating Role of Customer Trust in the Relationship between Promotion on Customer Satisfaction
Benhart Nainggolan, Eka Mayastika SinagaAbstract : 180PDF : 23179-85 -
The Effect of Leadership and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance
Muhammad Muhammad, Chablullah Wibisono, Afit Afrizal, Dedy Asep, Indrayani Indrayani, Amir HusenAbstract : 355PDF : 43586-93 -
The Effectiveness of BUMDes in Increasing Tourist Visits through the Pentahelix Model at Tourism Village Sub-District of Silahisabungan Dairi Regency, Indonesia
Padriadi Wiharjokusumo, Binur Pretty Napitupulu, Dormianna Panggabean, Dameria GirsangAbstract : 127PDF : 20594-101