Effective Customer Relationship Marketing: Roadmap to Organization’s Optimal Customer Retention
Customer relationship marketing, Customer retention, OptimizationAbstract
Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM) is a strategic approach focused on managing customer interactions to foster long-term loyalty. It aims to deliver personalized, relevant, consistent experiences across multiple channels, enhancing value for the business and its customers. As CRM is not a universal solution, its efficacy varies across organizations and is influenced by unique opportunities and challenges specific to each context. This essay critically examines the extant CRM literature to identify the key factors affecting customer retention, such as customer satisfaction, trust, and engagement. Based on this analysis, we propose a conceptual framework to guide businesses in developing CRM strategies that align with their objectives, resources, and capabilities. This framework emphasizes the importance of comprehending customer needs, leveraging data for personalization, and ensuring a seamless cross-channel experience. In conclusion, this essay proposes recommendations for future CRM research, suggesting that further investigation is necessary to address emerging trends and technologies, such as AI and big data, that are transforming the CRM landscape. Organizations can strengthen customer relationships and achieve sustainable business success by adopting a tailored approach to CRM.
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