Online Purchase Intention on Halal Cosmetic Products in Indonesia
online customer review, customer rating, trust, purchase intentionAbstract
The objective of this research is for finding the influence of online customer review and rating toward online purchase intention on halal cosmetic in Indonesia. This research also for finding the mediating role of trust on online customer review and rating toward online purchase intention this research is descriptive research which is used quantitative approach. This study uses questionnaire to collect data. The number of respondents in this study was 200 consumers of halal cosmetic in Indonesia taken by accidental sampling method. The data analysis used partial least square (PLS) analysis. The findings of this study are: (1) Online customer reviews have a positive and significant effect on trust; (2) Customer rating has a positive and significant effect on trust; (3) Trust has a positive and significant effect on purchase intention; (4) Trust has a mediating role on the influence of online customer reviews on purchase intention of halal cosmetic products; and (5) Trust mediates between customer rating on purchase intention of halal cosmetic product. The mediating effect of trust is partially mediated. This means that online customer review and customer rating has a positive and significant direct influence on online purchase intention without being mediated by trust.
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