Gaming Microtransaction in Mobile Device: An Application of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use Technology


  • Nugroho Tegar Ramadhan Faculty of Economic and Business, University of Bengkulu, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Yasser Iqbal Daulay Faculty of Economic and Business, University of Bengkulu, Indonesia
  • Ridha Semayang Faculty of Economic and Business, University of Bengkulu, Indonesia


gaming microtransaction, online games, technology acceptance, UTAUT


This study explores UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use Technology) in the context of gaming micro transaction. An extended UTAUT model framework that include influence marketing to this research. The data analyses correspond to a sample of online player through mobile device in Indonesia. PLS-SEM is used to evaluate the data and test the hypotheses. The study reveals that influence marketing and social influence are the main factors influencing adoption and use of digital transaction in online game. UTAUT framework was confirmed in the context of the research. Gaming micro transaction is important by developer gaming industry. Thus, it is imperative to understanding the customer adoption behavior. The outcome will aid developer gaming company develop strategies that will sustain the interest of consumer to embrace diamond in online game. In conclusion, this study has successfully explored the accepted online games, based on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology 2 (UTAUT 2). When implementing and adapting UTAUT2 to study intentions and using diamond online games, we found that it is a enough theoretical model. However, having been adapted in a game technological context very different from that originally proposed by Venkatesh et al. (2012).


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How to Cite

Ramadhan, N. T., Daulay, M. Y. I., & Semayang, R. (2023). Gaming Microtransaction in Mobile Device: An Application of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use Technology . Frontiers in Business and Economics, 2(1), 19–25.




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