Analysing Monetary Factors that Influence the Coastal Fisherman Income during COVID-19 Pandemic in West Aceh Regency, Indonesia
fishermen income, food material, inflation, price of fuel, coastal fishingAbstract
This study analyses the fisherman’s income through monetary factors during the COVID-19 pandemic in coastal areas of West Aceh Regency in Aceh Province, Indonesia. This study applied cross-section data over 2021 using descriptive quantitative research and OLS model analysis (Ordinary Least Square). Research revealed monetary factors in terms of the inflation of groceries price negatively influenced the fisherman income at West Aceh Regency. Meanwhile, the diesel price variable positively influenced fisherman’s income. During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was an increase in groceries price (inflation) by 1,06 times or the consumer price index (CPI) of groceries price at 106 percent. However, diesel prices were still the same as before the COVID-19 pandemic because fishermen used subsidised fuel at IDR 5.150 per litre. However, the quota of subsidised diesel did not fulfil the fisherman needs, so they must buy non-subsidised diesel. It impacted the operational fishing cost, which was bigger than the fisherman’s income. Moreover, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the average fisherman’s income decreased to IDR 1.500.000-IDR 3.000.000 each trip compared with before the COVID-19 pandemic at IDR 5.000.000- IDR 7.000.000 each trip. It was caused by low fish prices caused by the decreasing fish demand.
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