The Effectiveness of BUMDes in Increasing Tourist Visits through the Pentahelix Model at Tourism Village Sub-District of Silahisabungan Dairi Regency, Indonesia
tourists visits, Pentahelix, BUMDes, tourist villageAbstract
The purpose of this study was to analyse the efforts of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) in increasing tourist visits in the tourism village of Silalahi II, Silahisabungan Sub-district, Dairi Regency. The method used in this study was a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Research subjects were expected to provide complete information about the problems posed. The number of research subjects were six (6) people and each was given questions to answer five (5) themes proposed by the researchers. The results in the study that the efforts of BUMDes in increasing tourist visits in the tourism village of Silalahi II, Silahisabungan District, Dairi Regency were (1) Mapping of tourism products and markets based on the concept of core products and supporting products; (2) Strategy formulation, namely potential targets for tourism destinations and tourism product development strategies, Customer Management and Marketing Management for the tourism village of Silalahi II, Silahisabungan Sub-district, Dairi Regency; (3) Strategy implementation, namely tourism village homestay products, Customer Management development, and Marketing Management development.
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