Assessing the Effectiveness of the National Counter Terrorism Agency (BNPT) in Indonesia
counter-radicalisation, eradicating, National Counter Terrorism Agency (BNPT), terrorismAbstract
Terrorism is a criminal or extraordinary crime that concerns today's world, especially in Indonesia. Terrorism that has occurred recently has ideological, historical and political links and is part of the dynamics of the strategic environment at the global and regional levels. Although Indonesians have mostly carried out acts of terrorism in various regions in recent years and only a few external actors. This study uses normative juridical research methods by examining data sources from legal literature and literature review as well as direct interviews with stakeholders related to countermeasures against terrorism. This study aims to discover the role of the BNPT and the authorities in eradicating terrorism and the role of society and community organisations in Indonesia in efforts to deal with terrorism. Observing current developments, BNPT continues to mobilise various elements of the nation to fight radicalism together, promote counter-radicalisation, and work with other government agencies and various media to unify and equalise perceptions in dealing with this threat. The role of the media in eradicating terrorism is not effective enough to balance and purify the mass media from radicalism. The collaboration of roles with various parties is also very necessary. Therefore, the role of the community, community organisations, especially regional heads, political figures, and religious scholars in each region are needed to participate in activities to eradicate terrorism in Indonesia actively.
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