Applying the Multiple-Attribute Decision Making - Simple Additive Weighting to determine the Most Popular Internet Provider among Students
internet provider, internet access, multiple-attribute decision making, simple additive weighting, Griya MartubungAbstract
The rapid development of information technology makes internet access an important requirement in many aspects. The COVID-19 pandemic has also become the basis for the increasing use of internet access, especially in the education sector. Restrictions activities outside the house, causing the productivity of students to decline. Therefore, in order to remain active and productive, students are required to follow an online learning system. This will make the use of internet quota even greater. The number of cellular providers that provide internet services sometimes makes users confused in determining which provider is better to use. In this study, the Multiple-Attribute Decision Making (MADM) - Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) methods used to identify the decision support system in determining the type of cellular provider that is the most popular among students, especially in the Griya Martubung Area. This decision support system can certainly meet the needs of internet quotas and budgets. The results show that the most popular providers are Three, followed by Telkomsel, XL Axiata, Smartfren and Indosat.
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