Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): August 2022
Digital Approach towards Community-Based Activities with Culture and Heritage during COVID-19: Knowledge Transfer A Narrative Experience
Isma Rosila Ismail, Zaleha Mohamad, Noorhaslinda Kulub Abdul Rashid, Norhayati Ab Manaf, Khatijah Omar, Muhammad Abi Sofian Abdul Halim, Hazman Samsudin, Yus Sharmiza YushrimanAbstract : 294PDF : 341113-119 -
Investigating the Effect of Brand Personality, Awareness and Experience on Purchase Intention
Darwin Lie, Marisi Butarbutar, Sherly Sherly, Nana Triapnita Nainggolan, Acai SudirmanAbstract : 1316PDF : 803120-130 -
Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction in Relationship of Compensation, Motivation and Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance in Batam Island, Indonesia
Afit Afrizal, Muhammad Muhammad, Chablullah Wibisono, Indrayani Indrayani, Awis Al’ QarnyAbstract : 470PDF : 422131-137 -
Exploring the Business Model Innovation of Blockchain Technology
Ambara Purusottama, Togar Mangihut Simatupang, Yos SunitiyosoAbstract : 398PDF : 294138-150 -
The Effect of Spiritual Motivation, Spiritual and Intellectual Intelligence on Religious Performance Mediated by Job Satisfaction
Amir Hussein , Chablullah Wibisono, Dicky Wijaya, Ihram Bani GratitudeAbstract : 516PDF : 400151-158 -
The Effect of Work Motivation, Compensation and Work Discipline on Employee Performance through Job Satisfaction at Batam University, Indonesia
Dedy Asep, Afit Afrizal , Muhammad Muhammad, Bambang SatriawanAbstract : 584PDF : 446159-165 -
Motivational Impacts of the Google Docs Integration to Support Collaborative Writing: A Review Approach
Sharifahtun Naim Shahidan, Zuraina Ali, Norsuhaily Abu BakarAbstract : 420PDF : 421166-171 -
The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Literacy of Local Community in Tourism Village of Karo Regency, Indonesia
Dewi Yanti, Robert Sibarani, Agus Purwoko, Emrizal EmrizalAbstract : 282PDF : 248172-178