Does Our Entrepreneurship Practicum Work? Evidence from Hybrid and Offline Students
Attitude, Subjective norm, Perceived behavior control, Entrepreneur education, Entrepreneurial intentionAbstract
This study analyzes the impact of the theory of planned behavior dimensions and entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intention. The study was conducted among students who enrolled in offline and hybrid entrepreneurship practicum courses. The sample consisted of 54 respondents who took the offline entrepreneurship practicum and 84 who took the hybrid entrepreneurship practicum. Partial least square and Mann-Whitney analyses were utilized for data analysis. The findings indicate that only perceived behavioral control among the dimensions of the theory of planned behavior has a positive impact on entrepreneurial intention. The study also found that entrepreneurship education has a significant effect on entrepreneurial intention, but it does not moderate the influence of the dimensions of the theory of planned behavior on entrepreneurial intention. Moreover, there are no significant differences in entrepreneurial intention between students who took entrepreneurship practicum offline and those who took it in a hybrid format.
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