Is Migration the New Development Mantra? An Examination of the Migration-Development Nexus
Migration, Mobility, Development mantra, Remittances, Brain drainAbstract
Migration and development are intricately linked. Migration has positive and negative impacts on development. The nature and magnitude of these impacts vary depending on a range of factors such as the type of migration, the destination and origin countries, as well as the prevailing social, economic, and political context. Drawing on existing literature and theoretical frameworks, this article examines the factors that influence migration patterns and the impact of migration on both sending and receiving countries. It also discusses the commercialization of migration and its effects on the migration-development nexus. The paper argues that the kind of perception of the migration-development nexus plays a critical role in shaping policy responses to migration as well as development in general. As such, the article's final section focuses on how migration's perceived impact on development influences policy decisions. In exploring the intersection between migration and development, the article makes no distinction between migrants and immigrants. Overall, the article provides a comprehensive overview of the migration-development nexus and highlights the need for policymakers to take a nuanced and evidence-based approach to addressing the complex migration and development issues.
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