A Study of Motivation and Commitment of Midwives’ Services to their Performance in Batam City Hospital, Indonesia
motivation, commitment, performance, midwives, servicesAbstract
Service quality is determined by human resources, which can carry out services according to standards. Midwives' services will be carried out optimally if each midwife understands her motivation and work commitment as a midwife. Her motivation and work commitment are a promise from a midwife or determination to carry out her activities as a midwife following the goals, positions, and scopes that have been determined in her duties. This study aims to determine the motivation and commitment to providing services to the performance of midwives at Batam City Hospital. This research is quantitative analytic, the place of research is at Batam City Hospital in January - July 2021, and the research population is all midwives who work at the Batam City District Hospital. Sampling technique with total sampling technique, the number of samples is 34 respondents. The results showed that 20 respondents had good motivation and performance, and 15 had good commitment and performance. In conclusion, there is a relationship between motivation and commitment to the performance of the midwife. Suggestions for midwives is that midwives maintain their motivation and commitment to providing services.
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