Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): September 2022
Can Sharia Finance Affect Indonesia’s Economic Growth?
Mirdha Fuadi, Suriani Suriani, Teuku ZulhamAbstract : 421PDF : 400166-176 -
Determining the Unemployment Rate in Indonesia during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Dina Intan Fitria, Suriani Suriani, Sartiyah SartiyahAbstract : 642PDF : 496177-188 -
Determination of Farmer’s Welfare and Its Impact on the Economy of the Livestock Sub Sector in Aceh Province, Indonesia
Hermaliza Hermaliza, Apridar Apridar, Sartiyah SartiyahAbstract : 318PDF : 280189-197 -
The Impact of Number of Employees, Palm Production and Export of Oil Palm on Malaysia Economic Growth
Siti Nur Ain Harun, Grida Saktian LaksitoAbstract : 869PDF : 704198-210 -
Examining the Factors Influencing the Loan Performance at BMT An-Najjah Pekalongan, Indonesia
Rizka Ariyanti, Fangela Myas Sari, Ira Setiawati, Devi PermatasariAbstract : 238PDF : 247211-219 -
The Effect of Entrepreneurship Education and E-Commerce on Entrepreneurship Interest Moderated by Android-Based Accounting Information Systems
Muhammad Wildan Sholih, Imam Prayogo, Muhammad Ubaidillah, Armania Putri Wardhani, Annisa Qurrota A’yunAbstract : 558PDF : 424220-230 -
The Relationship between Non-Performing Loans and Size on Leverage in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Yunus Anugerah Hulu, Cindy Cindy, Steward Gani, Mangasi Sinurat, Rico Nur IlhamAbstract : 601PDF : 527231-236 -
Effect of Motivation, Leadership and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Sumantri Sumantri, Chablullah Wibisono, Rangga Ikrar Gombang Olenka, Fendi HidayatAbstract : 1496PDF : 768237-249