Examining the Factors Influencing the Loan Performance at BMT An-Najjah Pekalongan, Indonesia
loan performance, performance measurement, management control, organizational learning, worker attitudeAbstract
Today, most companies have been evaluated on the basis of their financial performance. The return on capital employed (ROCE) assesses a company's profitability and capital efficiency. Besides that, the overall financial performance is associated with non-economic components. Correction of weaknesses in overall economic performance can be measured by a balanced scorecard, which consists of growth, economic, patron, and inner commercial enterprise processes. Thus, this study investigates the factors influencing loan performance at BMT An-Najjah Pekalongan, Indonesia. A survey questionnaire was used to collect the data by delivering directly to BMT An-Najjah Pekalongan Regency branches. A total of 65 permanent employees at the BMT AN-NAJJAH participated in this study and analysed using multiple linear regression. The result indicated that the performance measurement system, management control system, organisational learning, and employee attitude significantly and positively affect loan performance at BMT An-Najjah in Pekalongan, Indonesia. In conclusion, this study has identified that the studied variables significantly influence loan performance.
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