Analyzing the Effect of Organizational Commitment, Spiritual Motivation and Spiritual Leadership on Employee Performance through Job Satisfaction


  • Deny Robbi Manel Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Economics, Batam University, Batam Center, Kota Batam, 29432 Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia
  • Ihram Bani Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Economics, Batam University, Batam Center, Kota Batam, 29432 Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia
  • Fendi Hidayat Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Economics, Batam University, Batam Center, Kota Batam, 29432 Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia


organizational commitment, spiritual motivation, spiritual leadership, job satisfaction, employee performance


Organizational commitment has become a topic of discussion in various literatures, such as the public sector literature (non-profit sector) and the private sector, which are generally profit-oriented (profit orientation). These are listed in various kinds of literature, for example, industrial and organizational psychology literature on education, theology, health, hospitality, social workers, and medicine using processed data using SEM with Amos version 24 software, the sample of respondents is 165. The results indicated that organizational commitment, spiritual motivation, and leadership significantly positively affect employee job satisfaction. Also, this study found that employee satisfaction, organizational commitment, and spiritual motivation significantly positively affect employee performance. Besides that, spiritual leadership does not significantly affect employee performance. In conclusion, this study has successfully examined the effect of organizational commitment, spiritual motivation, and spiritual leadership on employee performance through job satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Manel, D. R., Bani, I., & Hidayat, F. (2023). Analyzing the Effect of Organizational Commitment, Spiritual Motivation and Spiritual Leadership on Employee Performance through Job Satisfaction. International Journal of Finance, Economics and Business, 2(1), 34–43.




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