Bioeconomic Modelling in Sustainable Fisheries Management of Commercial Marine Fisheries in Kelantan, Malaysia
bioeconomic modelling, sustainability, fisheries management, commercial marine fisheriesAbstract
Bioeconomic modelling is an important issue in sustainable fisheries management of commercial marine fisheries in Kelantan, Malaysia. Previous studies focus on the impact of trawling on fisheries, tourism and the socio-environment, which overfishing is a direct threat to local fishing communities. In addition, bottom trawl fishing may affect fishing, environment and socio-economic management objectives. Moreover, fishing activities lead to changes in the structure of marine habitats and affect the diversity, composition, biomass and productivity of related biota. Finally, the previous research discussed on challenges of the fisheries industry in peninsular Malaysia. Studies focused on bioeconomic modelling in sustainable management of commercial marine fisheries in terms of fishing gear, climate changes, and anthropogenic disturbances are still limited. This study aims to investigate the sustainability of marine fish production and analyse the potential effect of climate changes and anthropogenic disturbances that affect fisheries activities. The theory and practice of the bioeconomic surplus production model by Gordon - Schafer (GS) are used to calculate the total biology and economic value. The result of the study indicated that trawl nets, anchovy purse seinses, climate changes and anthropogenic disturbances affect the sustainable management of commercial marine fisheries in Kelantan, Malaysia.
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