Determination of Farmer’s Welfare and Its Impact on the Economy of the Livestock Sub Sector in Aceh Province, Indonesia
inflation, investment, economic growth, livestock rate, sub-sectorAbstract
This study analyzes the effect given by the implementation of the SIKOMANDAN program policy, inflation, and investment on the economic growth rate of Aceh Province in the livestock sub-sector directly or indirectly through the welfare level of farmers in the livestock sub-sector. This study uses time series data consisting of quarterly data for the 2012-2021 research period in Aceh Province. The results of the research conducted by the SIKOMANDAN program have a direct significant effect on the welfare level of farmers in the livestock sub-sector. These findings indicated that the SIKOMANDAN program can be felt optimally by farmers in the livestock sub-sector in Aceh Province. Based on the results of the study, various appropriate policies are needed in the context of better economic development, so that they can be felt equally by all groups, especially farmers in the livestock sub-sector by optimizing existing programs such as seedling assistance, supervision of production stages, and so on.
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