Investigating the Determinants of the Livestock Sub-sector in Aceh Province, Indonesia
exchange rate, inflation, human development index, livestock subsector farmersAbstract
This study analyzes the effect of livestock subsector farmers' exchange rate, inflation, and human development index on the livestock subsector economy in Aceh Province. This study uses multiple regression models with a time series period of 2012-2021 totaling 40 observations. The results showed that the exchange rate of livestock subsector farmers had a negative and significant effect on the economic growth rate of the livestock subsector in Aceh Province. In addition, inflation has a positive and significant effect on the economic growth rate of the livestock subsector in Aceh Province, while the human development index has no significant effect. Therefore, various policies are needed to overcome the inequality of livestock subsector farmers' welfare and improve the quality of human resources. This study is only able to describe Aceh Province in general. Still, it has yet to be able to capture inter-regional phenomena in Aceh Province to get a more reliable picture of the livestock subsector economy.
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