The Effect of Entrepreneurship Education and E-Commerce on Entrepreneurship Interest Moderated by Android-Based Accounting Information Systems
entrepreneurship education, e-commerce, interest in entrepreneurship, android application-based accounting information systemAbstract
Higher education today is not only required to produce graduates with high competence and easily accepted for work. But universities are also required to produce graduates who can create jobs by becoming entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship education is expected to increase student interest in entrepreneurship. Another factor that can increase students' interest in entrepreneurship is the existence of e-commerce. Many studies on entrepreneurship education and e-commerce to increase interest in entrepreneurship have been carried out, but the results are inconsistent. This study wanted to see to what extent Android application-based accounting information system variables could moderate the influence of entrepreneurship education and e-commerce on the entrepreneurial interest of Undip PSDKU Pekalongan Accounting Diploma students. The results of data processing using the smart pls application show that the variables of entrepreneurship education and e-commerce significantly affect student entrepreneurship interest. The variable of the accounting information system based on the android application negatively moderates the effect of the e-commerce variable on the interest in entrepreneurship. However, this variable does not moderate the effect of the entrepreneurship education variable on the interest in entrepreneurship.
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