Adoption of E-Wallets in Indonesia: Integrating Mindfulness into the Technology Acceptance Model
mindfulness, perceived usefulness, perceived ease to use, intention to use, actual use, technology acceptance modelAbstract
This study investigates the main determinants of e-wallet use intention and proposes an e-wallet adoption model that includes mindfulness as a significant factor. The respondents in this study are e-wallet users between the ages of 17 and 40 who live in Bengkulu City. To collect data samples from respondents, the convenience sampling technique was used. This study's online survey questionnaires were distributed via social media platforms such as WhatsApp and Instagram. After using the listwise deletion method on SEM-AMOS with Mahalanobis Distance, 257 usable questionnaires were available for analysis. For data analysis, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), assessment of normality, and regression weights were used in this study. According to the findings, (1) mindfulness has a positive and significant effect on perceived usefulness, (2) mindfulness has a positive and significant effect on perceived ease of use, (3) perceived usefulness has a positive and significant effect on the intention to use, (4) perceived ease of use has no significant effect on the intention to use, and (5) intention to use has a positive and significant effect on actual use. This study adds to the body of knowledge by extending the concept of TAM through the incorporation of mindfulness variables into a structural model. It is suggested that providers expand their merchant partners in order to provide more benefits to customers, and that they improve more features and benefits for people who use their apps. Furthermore, this study discovered some limitations, which include a) limited geographical areas for data collection, giving opportunity for future research to expand more and will be much better if can compare respondent characteristics between cultures; b) four dimensions of mindfulness must be validated again when applied to other contexts; and c) future research can look at post-purchase phenomenon to catch e-wallet adoption even better.
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