The Implementation of Poverty Alleviation Policy during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Pekalongan Regency, Indonesia
Poverty, Policy implementation, Poor families, COVID-19 PandemicAbstract
The COVID-19 pandemic has altered the perception of poverty, necessitating rapid and urgent implementation of an affirmative policy. COVID-19 has significantly affected the economy, health, children's education, and employment rates. The Central Bureau of Statistics reported that the number of low-income families in Indonesia's urban and rural areas in 2020 was 26.42 million. This figure increased by 5.09 percent compared with 2019, which was 25.14 million. This issue is challenging to address because of budgetary constraints. Numerous policies have been implemented to mitigate poverty during the COVID-19 pandemic, but these efforts have not yielded significant results. This study aims to analyze the implementation of poverty alleviation policies during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Pekalongan Regency, Indonesia. This mixed-methodology study collected data through surveys with 150 respondents and in-depth interviews with ten low-income families, community leaders, and local government actors. These results indicate that poverty alleviation policies during the COVID-19 pandemic have not been fully implemented. Inhibiting factors include the accessibility of poverty programs and activities, the high number of impoverished individuals affected by COVID-19, and the diversion of local government funds to address COVID-19.
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