An Investigation of Open Career Promotion Policy Implementation in Indonesian National Police Institution
open career development, Indonesian national police, policy implementation, assessment center impact, Indonesia contextAbstract
The competence of human resources among the Indonesian National Police (POLRI) is believed to be a critical factor in determining the success of its organization. Therefore, POLRI has implemented an open position promotion program, one of which uses the assessment center to test managerial competence. In addition, the national police assessment center is used to support the policy of the National Police Chief in promoting open positions at every level and office space in his jurisdiction following the delegation of authority. This study investigates the policies and impacts of the Assessment Center implementation in supporting the promotion of open positions. The study used a qualitative approach by applying observation, interview, and document study as the data collecting technique. The result indicated that implementing the assessment center encourages the opening of career promotion. However, in a more extensive sense, implementing the Assessment Center encouraging the opening of career promotions has not been successful and does not have a positive impact. It happens due to the Indonesian National Police, is a bureaucratic organization and does not have the capacity of organization as the bureaucracy's breadwinner, which involves the organization's structure, working mechanism, human resources, financial support, and the resources required for working. Also, the four elements still cannot optimize the condition and encourage each other. In conclusion, this study has successfully investigated the success of policy implementation of open career promotion in the Indonesian national police institution. In a narrow sense is by looking at the compliance of implementing the policies contained in policy documents (laws, regulations, and programs) and following the existing standard operational procedures (SOP).
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