Improving Teachers' Professional Competence with Application of the Active, Innovative, Creative, Effective and Fun Learning Method
competence, teacher, professional, learning method, PAIKEMAbstract
This study aims to improve the professional competence of subject teachers at SD Negeri 091316 Pematang Raya in implementing the PAIKEM Learning Model through continuous mentoring. This research is classified as School Action Research involving 6 subject teachers in two cycles, each cycle consisting of four stages, namely: planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The result indicates that there was an increase in teacher activity and competence in applying the PAIKEM model from cycle I to cycle II. The achievement of performance indicators is found in the second action. The results of this study indicate an increase in the planning, implementation, evaluation of learning in accordance with the syntax of the PAIKEM model. The results of data analysis in each cycle showed an increase in the four aspects of the assessment, with an explanation of the increase in aspects of preparing an implementation plan in the initial conditions from 54.00 with the criteria of less value increased to 67.67 with the criteria of sufficient value and 78.83 with the criteria of good value, in the aspect of the implementation of learning from the average value of 64.71 with the criteria of less value increased to 65.43 with the criteria of sufficient value and 75.43 with the criteria of good value in the second cycle, in the aspect of the assessment of learning outcomes from an average of 64.72 with the criterion of a low score becomes 65.42 with a criterion of sufficient value and 77.42 with a criterion of good value and in the aspect of class management from 66.26 with a criterion of less value to 66.83 with a criterion of sufficient value and 75.83 with a criterion of good value. Thus, the continuous guidance carried out by the researchers succeeded in improving the professional skills of the teachers of SD Negeri 091316 Pematang Raya.
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