Investigating the Ergonomic Work Posture on Traditional Fishing Boats Manufacturing in Lhokseumawe City, Aceh Province, Indonesia
traditional fishing boats, ergonomic work posture, Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA), Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA)Abstract
The Sailing ships in Aceh are usually conventional; this shipbuilder usually requires 3 people. Sailing ships in Aceh are usually made conventionally. Shipbuilders need 3 workers. Construction time for ships weighing 1 to 3 gross tons (GT) takes 1 - 2 months. Strategies and improvements in shipbuilding methods have been well-studied in the shipbuilding literature. The location and process of making the ship are in the Banda Sakti sub-district, Lhokseumawe City. It has multiple workstations, such as measuring and cutting stations and assembly stations. Operators must work 8 hours daily in various postures, including standing, bending, and lifting heavy objects. On the basis of the preamble of the Nordic Body Map (NBM), intense exercise damages the musculoskeletal system by comparing the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment and Rapid Entire Body Assessment for workers' assessment of their working posture. In the process of making fishing boats. Results of REBA Labor Calculation: Worker 1 gets a score of 9, Worker 2 gets a score of 11, and Worker 3 gets a score of 5. In RULA, Workers 1 and 2 get the same score of 6, and Worker 3 gets the same score of one score out of 4. REBA received a final score of 2 at low-risk level 1, and REBA 2 workers received a final score of 2 at level 1, low-risk, and performance level 1. Working conditions at lifting stations must be improved to prevent musculoskeletal system diseases in the timber lifting station employees.
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