Review of Conservation of Resources Theory in Job Demands and Resources Model
mathematical model, surgical scheduling, multi-period, capacity constraint, minimizationAbstract
This paper provides background information about the underpinning theory of the model of job demands-resources model (JD-R model), which is the conservation of resources theory. The Conservation of resources (COR) theory became highly popular among researchers. Conservation of resources (COR) theory postulates the link between job demands-resources, personal resources, organizational commitment, work engagement, turnover intentions, and job performance. This paper discusses COR theory, which is the main theory that underpins the present research. This paper reviews the assumptions and development of the theory and presents an overview of important findings obtained with the theory and its association with JD-R model. The paper concludes with an agenda for future research and a brief discussion of the practical application of the theory in JD-R model.
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