Defect Analysis to Improve Quality in Traditional Shipbuilding Processes
shipbuilding, defect, reliability-centered, maintenance, industrial designAbstract
As one of the livelihoods of the Indonesian people, the sea has many benefits, such as fish, marine plant cultivation, and others. Most Indonesian live in the coastal area and work as fishermen. Its existence and role are very important in coastal development, especially fisheries. This study aims to investigate logic tree analysis to solve defects in traditional shipbuilding. It is envisaged that such implementation shall improve the quality of ships produced. Traditional ships are currently experiencing a significant demand proportionally to the increase in the number of fishermen utilizing traditional ships. However, shipbuilders experienced many obstacles during the manufacturing process. Therefore, the quality of the ships produced was different from the ship owners' standards or demands. For solving this problem, initial identification processes should be conducted to determine any potential defects that may affect the quality of the ships. Defects that pose a high risk to the quality of the ship were resolved using a logic tree analysis to obtain recommendations for improvements. The result shows that four risks of damage have been identified that affect the quality of the traditional ships produced: the selection of the quality of raw materials, imperfect wooden joints, easily corroded steel bolts, and poor installation of additional equipment.
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