Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): September 2022
Defect Analysis to Improve Quality in Traditional Shipbuilding Processes
Muzakir Muzakir, Heri Tri Irawan, Iing Pamungkas, Teuku Muhammad Azis Pandria, Fitriadi Fitriadi, Khairul Hadi, Ahmad Faisal Mohamad Ayob, Amri Amri, Syarifuddin SyarifuddinAbstract : 334PDF : 283135-144 -
Clustering Production and Operational Practices of SME Using Correspondence Analysis: A Case Study of Northern OTOP Thailand
Sarayut Malaipun, Pongsakorn Surin, Wiwat Singsai, Wichai ChattinnawatAbstract : 152PDF : 201145-161 -
Modelling Association between Production Practices and Business Performance of Northern Thailand OTOP Using Ordinal Logistic Regression
Wiwat Singsai, Sarayut Malaipun, Pongsakorn Surin, Wichai ChattinnawatAbstract : 172PDF : 201162-173 -
Application of Simulation Technique for Bus Stops Arrangement
Chanikarn Choowong, Uttapol SmutkuptAbstract : 194PDF : 283174-181 -
Evaluating the Validity and Reliability of Authentic Learning Instruments using RASCH Model
Firdaus Mohamad Hamzah, Mohd Najib Abd Rashid, Mohd Nizam Ab Rahman, Mohamad Sattar RasulAbstract : 178PDF : 240182-189 -
A Mathematical Model for Multi-Period Surgical Scheduling with Capacity Constraint
Warisa Wisittipanich, Chawis Boonmee, Krit Khwanngern, Wichai ChattinnawatAbstract : 139PDF : 163190-195 -
Clinical Overview of Ureum Levels in Type II Diabetes Mellitus Patients Infected by COVID-19 Pandemic
Deswidya Sukrisna Hutauruk, Dame Cinta HutagalungAbstract : 163PDF : 187196-201 -
Consumer Behavior in Adopting Application-Based Transportation Services
Darwin Lie, Efendi Efendi, Robert Tua Siregar, Sisca Sisca, Acai SudirmanAbstract : 403PDF : 342202-214 -
How Do Good Corporate Governance and Financial Performance Affect the Value of State-Owned Enterprises?
Ady Inrawan, Yerisma Welly, Darwin Lie, Ruth Tridianty Sianipar, Juan Anastasia PutriAbstract : 178PDF : 227215-222 -
The Impact of Tourism on Economic Growth: Evidence from Aceh Province, Indonesia
Zeary Saputra, Sartiyah Sartiyah, Chenny SeftaritaAbstract : 317PDF : 235223-228