Succession Planning Best Practices for Organizations: A Systematic Literature Review Approach
Succession planning, best practices, replacement planningAbstract
Developing potential candidates for organizational sustainability and business continuity is a priority in any organization. Every organization is facing or will face challenges for the immediate future successor with the right people. Top management can create surroundings that allow leadership development with the help of internal succession planning. Succession planning is an enterprise approach that has gained a lot of interest in all organizations because of excessive demand for holding knowledge and the shortage of skilled workforce. The study was done by using the standard systematic literature review method. The current study focuses on providing a comprehensive review of best succession planning practices followed by all organizations. The major purpose is to describe the standard best practices of succession planning in any organization. This study will provide enough evidence to use succession planning as an instrument in the organisation's recruitment process, employee retention strategies, and future top management development within the organization
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