Examining the Factors Affecting Scabies Incidents: A Case Study of Pondok Pesantren X at Karimun Regency, Indonesia
Scabies, Student health, Environmental factors, Disease prevention, Healthcare managementAbstract
Scabies, caused by the Sarcoptes scabiei mite, is a significant global health issue, especially in tropical and subtropical areas. This study examines factors affecting scabies incidents at Pondok Pesantren X at Karimun Regency, Indonesia, in 2023. Data from 106 participants, including 37 scabies cases, were analyzed using a cross-sectional design and quantitative analysis. The results indicated a significant relationship between scabies and knowledge, attitudes, practices, and perceptions of humidity. Lower knowledge, attitudes, and practices increased the risk of scabies, as did perceptions of humidity. Effective health post-management at the boarding school also significantly influenced the incidence of scabies. These findings highlight the need for interventions to improve knowledge, attitudes, practices, and environmental conditions to prevent better and manage scabies. There is a clear link between knowledge, attitudes, practices, humidity perceptions, Health Post management, and the occurrence of scabies. To address scabies among students at Pondok Pesantren X, targeted interventions are essential, including education on prevention, good hygiene practices, and timely provision of medical help. Maintaining optimal room humidity and improving health management are critical. Collaboration with local health authorities and ongoing monitoring and evaluation is recommended for effective implementation. Islamic boarding schools can reduce scabies incidents and enhance students’ well-being by fostering partnerships and collective action.
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