Investigating Gender Roles and Collaboration in Coffee Management: Evidence from Bener Meriah Farming Women's Group, Aceh Province, Indonesia
Gender roles, Gender collaboration, Coffee management, Women groupAbstract
Women play a crucial role in coffee management, particularly within the Women Farmers' Group (KWT) in Bener Meriah, Aceh. Their contributions are vital to the success of farming activities, yet they often face the dual challenge of balancing agricultural responsibilities with domestic duties. Despite family support, the persistent burden of household obligations highlights the complexities of their involvement in rural livelihoods. This study examines the role of women in coffee management within the Women's Farmers Group (KWT) of Bener Meriah, Aceh. Despite receiving family support for their participation in farming activities, women face a dual burden due to their domestic responsibilities. Employing a qualitative approach, this study involved KWT members, male participants, KWT leaders, agricultural extension workers, and community leaders. Data were collected through interviews and observations and analyzed using Grounded Theory. The findings reveal that women predominantly engage in operational tasks, such as coffee picking and processing, and often experience fatigue from balancing agricultural work with household duties. However, collaboration between men and women in distributing crop yields promotes a more equitable distribution of roles, thereby fostering gender equality. This study highlights the significance of the Gender and Development (GAD) approach, which emphasizes social relationships between genders, in enhancing women's participation and strengthening cooperation to achieve more equitable prosperity. Coffee management practices at KWT Bener Meriah demonstrate how gender collaboration can sustainably improve production and family welfare.
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