Using Routing Heuristics to Improve Cost Interoperability: Strategy, Modelling Annotations, and Dynamism
cost interoperability, routing optimization, distribution network, scheduling systems, cost optimalityAbstract
Routing systems mechanisms have piqued researchers' interest in heuristic components for routing problems that could alter problem complexity. As a result, myriad routing strategies were proposed that minimize deployment costs while maximizing traversal coverage. Several constraints were considered, including deployment times, load capacities, and projected coverage. Research into routing systems has focused on heuristics to optimize complex routing problems. Multiple strategies have been proposed to optimize deployment costs and maximize route coverage, focusing on deployment times, load capacities, and coverage. This literature study examines data interpolation for cost optimization features coupled with relative scheduling systems, with the primary purpose of supporting heterogeneity subjugation towards cost interoperability based on varied goals and objective functions. A total of 250 papers were analyzed for relevance regarding routing scheduling from relevant academic-based user-accessed scientific journal databases such as Scopus, Web of Science, Hindawi, ACM, and Google Scholar to perform a concise analysis of the relative cost interoperability measures in routing strategies, including single objective purposes undertakings. The research evaluated the application, niche problem-solving methodologies, and viability for future refinement or integration with comparable solutions. This qualitative study aims to present an information synthesis based on the PRISMA (Systematic Literature Review) framework on various recognized developments and trends for routing heuristic research works that will serve as a benchmark for refining improvisation on current solution strategies. Ultimately, this study presents a comprehensive review of the applicable field, an analysis of existing problem-solving strategies, and a comprehensive overview of the possibilities for incorporating them into further research.
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