The Multi-Period Surgical Scheduling with Capacity Constraint: A Mathematical Modelling Approach
mathematical model, surgical scheduling, multi-period, capacity constraint, minimizationAbstract
This research proposes a mathematical model for multi-period surgical scheduling problem with capacity constraint over a particular time horizon. The goal is to schedule a list of patients who must undergo various kinds of operations by different eligible hospitals. In particular, each operation must be performed in a particular time period and different operations of one patient can be performed by different eligible hospitals. In addition, each hospital has limited surgery capacity for each time period. The problem is formulated with a multi-objective model using the weighted sum approach of two objectives: minimization of makespan and minimization of total least preference assignment score. The experiment is executed using the simulated data according to the real treatments of cleft lip and palate patients. The results show that the model yield the correct assignment and operation sequence respected to all constraints. Thus, this proposed mathematical model can be further used as smart decision tool in surgical scheduling in hospital network.
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