Evaluating the Organisational Performance through the BSC-MCDM Framework in Packed Food Products Supply Chain
Performance measurement, Balanced Scorecard, Fuzzy DEMATEL, Fuzzy ANPAbstract
This study aims to identify effective indicators in the performance measurement of Behpakhsh firm using Balanced Scorecard (BSC) as well as weighting and ranking indicators by employing fuzzy analysis network process (FANP) and investigation on network mapping and the relationships between scorecards with fuzzy DEMATEL presenting strategies to improve performance of Behpakhsh firm. This study aims to assess the significance of the four perspectives: financial, customer, internal processes and learning and growth. About 28 indicators were identified, and after screening, 13 indicators were identified as final BSC indicators. After examining the influence of the main factors using the fuzzy DEMATEL technique, the internal processes dimension has the most impact, and customer and learning and, growth and financial dimensions have been ranked as second to fourth priorities. Also, using the fuzzy ANP technique, the weighting and ranking of dimension and performance measures indicators were examined. The dimension of customers has gained first rank, and financial, internal processes, learning, and growth have been ranked second to fourth, respectively.
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