Lane Widening for Maintenance Sustainable Road Performance in Archipelago: A Bibliometric Analysis
Traffic Data, Safety Road, Road Performance, Prediction, Road Widening, ArchipelagoAbstract
This bibliometric study analyzes global research on the impact of lane widening for maintaining road performance in archipelagic regions sustainably, covering the period from 2000 to 2023. The research was collected using the Publish or Perish application and processed in the Research Information Systems (RIS) format through the VOSviewer application. The data set comprises 1,000 studies, including 551 research journals, 287 books, 114 conference components, 38 articles, 3 datasets, 3 monographs, and 4 reports. The study identifies "safety road" and "traffic data" as the most prevalent keywords, with various other related keyword networks also emerging. The analysis reveals a growing trend in research on lane widening and road performance across different global regions, indicating increasing interest in sustainable road management strategies, particularly in archipelagic and island contexts. The study highlights how the field has evolved over the last two decades by mapping the connections between key terms and studies. The findings suggest that lane widening to maintain road safety and performance is a significant area of focus in road infrastructure research. Furthermore, the study emphasizes the potential for these findings to contribute to developing future sustainable transportation solutions. The study provides a comprehensive literature source and highlights opportunities for further studies in sustainable road infrastructure development, especially within the unique challenges of archipelagic environments.
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