Developing the Conceptual Model of Sustainable Industrial Performance in the Hospitality Industry
sustainable industry performance, pro-environmental behavior, green marketing mixAbstract
The increasing number of tourist destinations in the world has led to an increase in the number of tourists and their supporting industries, such as the hotel industry. This increase should not have a negative impact on the natural environment and people who live near tourist destinations. Sustainable Industrial Performance (SIP) is one indicator to find out whether industrial development has an impact and becomes a benchmark for industry sustainability in the natural and social environment. Sustainable Industrial Performance (SIP) is measured from three (3) factors, namely economy, natural environment, and socio-culture. Pro-Environment Behavior (PEB) is one indicator of initiatives and efforts made by people who work in the sector/industry to continue to maintain the sustainability of the surrounding environmental conditions. Green Marketing Mix (GMM) is a variable commonly used by marketing people in marketing a product, be it goods or services. Green Marketing Mix (GMM) provides characteristics about the importance of creating goods or services with green principles. This research is expected to be one of the green practice concept models, namely activities to create and manage industries with the concept of sustainable business, namely the benefits of sustainable (economic) business, sustainability for the natural environment, and sustainable for the social environment of the hospitality industry
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