Developing the Fragility Curves of Confined Masonry Structure in Bener Meriah Regency, Aceh Province, Indonesia
Fragility Curve, Generalized Linear Model, Confined Masonry Structure, Bener Meriah Regency, EarthquakeAbstract
The earthquake in Bener Meriah Regency on July 2, 2013 with 6.1 Mw tectonic caused physical damage and construction losses to 1,778 typical confined masonry residential buildings. One of the assessments of damage caused by the earthquake was the development of a fragility curve that can be formed by empirical methods based on the Generalized Linear Model (GLM) procedure with log it, pro bit and complementary log-log link functions. This study used data from 9 sub-regencies to identify light, medium and heavy damage levels. Data processing uses ArcGIS and MATLAB software based on data obtained from secondary data survey results and USGS Earthquakes. One of the resulting seismic fragility curves, the pro bit link model, gives a high probability at low and medium PGA intensities for light, medium and heavy damage. The logit link model provides a high probability of high PGA intensities for light, medium, and heavy damage. On the basis of the goodness of fit measurement results, the link pro bit model has the smallest standardized residual error value, which shows the best model of the method because probit has values of 20.16%, 21.12%, and 21.83% in DS1, DS2, and DS3 compared to the link logit and complementary clog-log models.
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