Analyzing the English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Students’ Perceptions & Challenges Towards the Use of Digital Learning Platforms in Speaking Class
English for Specific Purposes, Perceptions, Digital learning platforms, Speaking classAbstract
This study aims to analyze the ESP students' perceptions and challenges toward using digital learning platforms in their speaking classes. The research design employed is a mixed method. The participants are 130 international ESP students in one of the private universities in Malang. The instrument is a close-ended questionnaire with 6 open-ended questions distributed via Google Forms. In analyzing the data collected, a descriptive statistical analysis was used for the close-ended questions and a thematic analysis for the open-ended questions. The findings show that the digital learning platforms Zoom, Canvas, and WhatsApp had positive perceptions from most participants. It has high percentages on language learning potential, meaning focus and authenticity of CALL evaluation criteria. WhatsApp got the most perception among them. Moreover, the challenges encountered by the participants are technical, material, and interaction problems. To sum up, ESP students perceived those three digital learning platforms in their speaking class positively despite the challenges they faced when using them. This finding could be a consideration for ESP practitioners and students when choosing the appropriate digital learning platform for their students. Moreover, a variation in instruments and analyzing different skills could gain deeper insight into this issue.
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