Implementation of the Role-Playing to Develop Speaking Skills for Early Childhood
Role-playing, Speaking skills, Early childhood, Education, Kindergarten, Learning methodAbstract
Some kindergarten children exhibit delayed speech development and require an appropriate learning methodology to enhance their speaking skills during early childhood, specifically between the ages of 4-5 years. This study aimed to investigate the application of role-playing in developing speaking skills and to identify the supporting and inhibiting factors for developing speaking abilities in kindergarten children aged 4-5 years in Samarinda, Indonesia. This qualitative study employed observations, interviews, and documentation as data-collection techniques. Data sources were derived from primary data, namely principals, homeroom teachers, and representatives of the curriculum section, whereas secondary data were obtained from documentation. Data were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman method in three stages: data reduction, presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results indicated that role-playing in developing the speaking skills of children aged 4-5 years in kindergarten is determined by the theme, sub-theme, topic of activities, and play materials. It is implemented using a rolling system wherein the teacher explains the child's role, provides examples, and elucidates the game's rules regarding subsequent play activities. The teacher then invited the children to select their roles and read storylines. Once the child comprehends the activities, the teacher encourages the child to engage in play. The teacher's responsibility is to supervise while posing questions to obtain information about the child's play experience while providing examples of communication by delivering appropriate vocabulary. Evaluation of role-playing involves indirect observations during children's play, assessment of children's work, notes on children's developmental observations, and indicators that serve as learning targets.
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