Unlocking the Dynamics of Keujreun Blang Customary Institution in Aceh Province, Indonesia
Public policy, Customary institution, Local wisdomAbstract
The Keujreun Blang customary institution aims to oversee rice field management following local wisdom, considering Aceh's farming communities' social and cultural values. Given its importance, it is crucial to recognize and understand the institution's position and role within the broader societal context. This study employs an ethnographic descriptive approach, drawing upon previous research, to comprehensively analyze the subject matter. The findings revealed that the Blang customary institution serves as a traditional entity responsible for managing rice cultivation practices. It is led by prominent figures well-versed in agricultural philosophy and deeply rooted in Aceh's local wisdom, values, and cultural heritage. The institution's responsibilities encompass the entire agricultural cycle, from planting to harvesting. Despite the institution's formal establishment, Acehnese farmers remain strongly influenced by the customary and cultural values associated with rice cultivation, which are considered integral to their heritage and must be preserved. Given the significance of these traditional institutions in maintaining cultural continuity and agricultural practices, it is imperative to integrate them into public policy frameworks systematically. This integration should be implemented consistently to preserve local wisdom and effective rice cultivation management in Aceh. By doing so, policymakers can balance modern agricultural practices, and the rich cultural heritage embodied in the Keujreun Blang customary institution.
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