Investigating the Role of Job Satisfaction in the Relationship between Employee Engagement and Organizational Support on Employee Performance


  • Benny Samosir Faculty of Economics and Business, Mulawarman University, Samarinda, Indonesia
  • Tetra Hidayati Faculty of Economics and Business, Mulawarman University, Samarinda, Indonesia
  • Saida Zainurossalamia Faculty of Economics and Business, Mulawarman University, Samarinda, Indonesia


organizational support, employee engagement, job satisfaction, employee performance


Performance is one of the factors that become a benchmark for both subordinates and subordinates in assessing the results of the work itself, with good performance will proclaim that employees have worked optimally and as they should, human resources are one of the success factors of an organization so that the organization has the responsibility of managing the organization optimally, especially in managing the human resources owned,  The purpose of this study is to determine the causality relationship between the variables of employee engagement and organizational support to job satisfaction and employee performance, both directly and indirectly. The sample used in this study was the entire population, namely PT. KIE has a total of 68 respondents, the data collection method is in the form of distributing questionnaires and will then be processed using the Smart-PLS statistical tool version 3.0. The result of this study is that employee engagement variables have a significant positive influence on job satisfaction and employee performance, and organizational support variables have a significant positive influence on job satisfaction variables but do not have an influence on employee performance. Job satisfaction influences employee performance variables. The job satisfaction variable has a positive and significant influence in mediating the relationship between employee engagement variables and employee performance variables but is not able to mediate the relationship between organizational support variables and employee performance.


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How to Cite

Samosir, B., Hidayati, T., & Zainurossalamia, S. (2022). Investigating the Role of Job Satisfaction in the Relationship between Employee Engagement and Organizational Support on Employee Performance. Frontiers in Business and Economics, 1(3), 115–124.

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